ByteBuilders Chat App made using flutter
ByteBuilders Chat App
Project Description
The application was made using basic flutter features and packages. It includes user registration and login, storing information in device storage, profile, chat and messaging screens. The application stands out with its modern design and high user experience.
Project Features
- Login & Register system with API
- Authentication system
- Save user information to the device with SecureStorage & SharedPreferences
- Get random people from reqres API
- Send messages to people (no message character limit)
- Material & Cupertino dialogs/modals
- Loading indicators for high UX
- SMS, Phone Call and Web Redirect buttons
Project Screens
Used Technologies & Packages
- Dart – Dart is an approachable, portable, and productive language for high-quality apps on any platform.
– Flutter – Flutter is an open source framework by Google for building beautiful, natively compiled, multi-platform applications from a single codebase.
- Dio – A powerful HTTP networking package for Dart/Flutter
- Shared Preferences – Flutter plugin for reading and writing simple key-value pairs. Wraps NSUserDefaults on iOS and SharedPreferences on Android.
- URL Launcher – Flutter plugin for launching a URL. Supports web, phone, SMS, and email schemes.
- Flutter Secure Storage – Flutter Secure Storage provides API to store data in secure storage. Keychain is used in iOS, KeyStore based solution is used in Android.
- Gap – Flutter widgets for easily adding gaps inside Flex widgets such as Columns and Rows or scrolling views.
- Collection – The package contains functions that operate on lists. It contains ways to shuffle a List, do binary search on a sorted List, and various sorting algorithms.
- Intl – It defines the Intl class, with the default locale and methods for accessing most of the internationalization mechanisms.
- Flutter SVG – An SVG rendering and widget library for Flutter, which allows painting and displaying Scalable Vector Graphics 1.1 files.
This project is available for use under the MIT License.